Alright, so this post is going to be about Divergent by Veronica Roth. I'm sure you can guess what the next two posts will be about, since it's no secret to anyone that this is a trilogy, unless you live under a rock and in that case I don't know why you're reading my blog because there's so much else to see! Although for those of you who do live under a rock, I'm honored you're reading my blog and I hope I can give you some helpful insight on literature. But anyway, back on track:
Yay! It fits!
Hobbit (The)
Handmaid’s Tale (The)
Alright, so this book was good. It welcomes you to yet another dystopian society made of factions. This book carries a lot of similarities to The Hunger Games trilogy including being a trilogy. This book was like a mix of Brave New World, Hunger Games, and The Uglies. The characters in this book were incredible and I felt an instant attachment to them. I felt every stab of pain the main character, Tris, felt. My shoulder actually hurt and I was in physical pain for a week while reading this and Insurgent. It was a very exciting read and it was very fast-paced. Roth blurs the lines of good and evil until your head is spinning and can't tell who's side you're actually on. Like I said, it's very, very similar to The Hunger Games although it's not quite up to par with the hit trilogy, but very close. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars because Roth really does an excellent job with almost everything in this book and I was constantly at the edge of my seat.
Happy reading!
P.S. I want to know who drives the train!