Hey everyone! I was a little unattached from the world for a while. I went on a trip to West Virginia and Virginia. Well, I got a lot of reading done and finished And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. This book was about family ties and how poverty and war can change the connection that a family bears.
And the Mountains Echoed
This was an excellent book. This book was such a powerful book and Hosseini's word choice definitely played a part in that. This book truly shows how words can impact. This book showed the bonds between family members and how strong they can be, which was another piece that made the book more powerful because we've all felt strain between family members and how much love for family members we have and this really made the book more relate-able. I loved the glimpses of the characters background, when you only got a little bit at a time. One thing that was a little confusing was the timeline, there were points that it wasn't clear if it was a flashback or not. Also, there were a lot of extra characters that I felt didn't need to be included, they didn't add anything to the story. With these extra stories it felt like a lot of short stories that sort of connected to each other. It was almost like he took the most round-about way to get to the end just to add pages. This was one of the best books I've read for this challenge so far. Since I'm very close to my family, I really felt for the family in this book. I highly recommend this book.
I'm going to now read Aunt Jane's Hero.
Happy reading!
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