Monday, December 15, 2014


Hello there!

The next book is Joyland by Stephen King. As I'm trying to fit this in my puzzle of animal names it has occurred to me that I have filled all of the "J"s. That crosses another letter off my list so enjoy this "Just for Fun" review! (and expect some cute "J" video on Friday.)

College student Devin Jones took the summer job at Joyland hoping to forget the girl who broke his heart. But he wound up facing something far more terrible: the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and dark truths about life—and what comes after—that would change his world forever. 

Let me start by saying I applaud Stephen King, I have not read a recent "Pulp Fiction" book this well written. Right from the start there is that typical pulp fiction narration. I could just picture some kind of detective off to the side narrating the whole book. There were points where King lost the narration but he soon picked it back up. Although this had a supernatural element to it, it still did justice to the genre. There was a lot of going back and forth between past and present that was somewhat confusing but it was only in the beginning of the book where it got a little muddled. I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because as I said before Stephen King nails the narration and this book would not have been as good without it.

Happy reading!

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