Saturday, May 3, 2014

Doctor Sleep

Hello there!

This is my one exception to the series rule for two reasons. 1) Most people have at least heard of The Shining, let alone have read or watched it. 2) It just needs to be talked about. So for all of you that don't know, Doctor Sleep is the sequel to The Shining both by Stephen King. There was a lot of anticipation with this book because The Shining is so good and so well known. But I will wait with my review until I get the main stuff out of the way.

Although, it's breaking my series rule, I'm including it in the challenge because I sat through it.

Angels and Demons
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Doctor Sleep
I Am Legend

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for my review. Everyone was so excited for it and it was such a let down. There was very little of the original story we loved carried over. It was almost random. I would have liked it better if it was just a stand alone book and not the second part of a book I really liked. I don't want to completely bash this book because there were parts of the story that were good. The characters were well developed and pieces of The Shining that were brought through made the book even better. I liked the concept but I'm not sure it was followed through correctly. I don't think I would suggest this to anyone who has read and loved The Shining. I personally was disappointed. If you are curious go ahead and read it but if you're expecting a book like The Shining you too will be disappointed. I'm not saying don't read it but don't have really high expectations and you'll probably enjoy it. I gave it 3 out of 5 stars because I did enjoy it a little.

Keep reading!

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