Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Three times a week

Hey everyone!

So I've been very overwhelming with the reviews lately because I have a lot of lost time to make up for. But for my sanity and the sanity of my readers I'm going to post at least three times a week instead of everyday. So I'll post on Monday and my Monday post will be a book review. Then, I'll post on Wednesday and I'll pose a literary question that may require some deep thought and will probably require some reader participation or you can just think about it on you're own and not discuss it. Finally, on Friday I'll probably do a Q&A or ask for some recommendations. So it would be GREAT if everyone could send me questions throughout the week so I can have something to post about on Fridays. If by chance no one feels like speaking out I will catch you up on what I'm reading and how far I am in that book. I'll see you tomorrow with a literary question!

So please! Let's do some Q&A! Comment below!

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