Monday, May 6, 2013

Ender's Game

I have finished the 13th book for this challenge! Yay! So I just finished Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card this morning. That means I'm more than halfway done with ELEPHANT

Ender's Game
Persepolis (The Complete)
Happiness Project (The)
Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass
Two Towers (The)

4 of 5 stars

 So occasionally I will read some reviews (without spoilers) before I read the book. This book I decided to read the reviews while I was in the middle of the book and almost all of them were bad, the most I saw it get was three stars. I thought it deserved better. A lot of the reviews were written by adults reviewing a children's book and I think that's where the problem lies, that these adults don't have the mindset of a child when going into this book. But overall, I thought it was an excellent book. I gave it four stars. The pros of this book were it was quick and easy to read and it had a very good story line. I'm a sucker for sci-fi and it's quite possible that this is what will happen to our world eventually. I had one problem with the book. It's a children's book but there were some situations that were a lot more mature than I thought should be included in a children's book. There were also quite a few swears throughout the book, most commonly used was "bastard". There were just some things in there that I felt didn't need to be put in and the book would still have the same effect. Also, the end was very anti-climatic, there could have been a lot more build up, but it is was it is and it was an overall good book. With most books there were a lot of times I had to get up and walk away from the book because I was so frustrated with what the characters were doing, but that's what makes a good book. A book that makes you feel something towards it.

I haven't decided whether to go onto Speaker of the Dead the second book of this six book series or Return of the King the final LOTR book. I will let you know soon what my choice is. As always let me know if you have an opinion on any book I read or if you have any suggestions of books I should read.

Happy reading!

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