Sunday, March 24, 2013


So I have finished Palestine by Joe Sacco. That gives me


That means I have started four animals started, hopefully I can finish one soon. So since I just read The Complete Persepolis which is also a graphic novel, I'll compare them a bit. At first I like The Complete Persepolis  better but as I got further into the book I decided that I like Palestine better. I think maybe because I got more point of views in Palestine but it's hard to say. In Palestine, the drawings were definitely better and more detailed, but in both books the drawings carried so much meaning, which is very important. A lot of the people in the book Palestine, are lucky to be alive. I was so shocked at how many bullet wounds those people could survive and in places like back, neck, and stomach. Also, I started comparing Palestinians to Americans. The biggest thing I noticed was age. At age 10 in Palestine, children have experienced so much and are so devoted to their country. They have such strong opinions and seem so much more mature than American children. Overall, this book was good. It's a very good book to help people understand what's happening around the world. It opened my eyes. The only big problem I had with this book, and it was mentioned at the end, was that after spending so much time in Palestine the author became biased almost against Israelis. He only got one side of the story, but that's typical in life.

On a side note: There's this great website about book blogs and it organizes book blogs quite nicely, I suggest if you're looking for another book blog to read check out this website.

But keep reading!

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