Monday, May 26, 2014


Hey everybody!

Only fifteen books left to review before I'm all caught up! Yay! So after I finished my sweet little romance, I went on to a "sexy" romance. No not Fifty Shades of Grey, I'm way too young for that. (Just kidding!) I read Inhale by Kendall Grey.

And it's another that fits in! 

Along for the Ride

So this was my first "sexy" romance. And just look at that cover. It says it all right there. Except it wasn't really that sexy. There is a warning that they have in the description on Amazon, and pretty much anywhere else you look for it, about sex and graphic language....that wasn't necessary. There were very few sex scenes. But the background story was actually pretty good. It takes place in two realms (Realis- or the real world- and the Dreaming) and at the beginning it kind of gets all blurry and confusing but then when you actually get into it everything clears up. Then characters really start to develop and you understand where you are. There is some really cool symbolism in this book and ties that bond the characters together, and the bird! But at the end there are lots of loose ends, obviously hinting at another book, unless it's just an awful book. (Yes, there are two more books after this and three fill-in books)  So if you plan on reading this book, don't read it for the sexyness of it, read it because it's actually a decent fantasy story. I gave it a 3 out of 5 stars because I did like it but it wasn't amazing and sexy. But another plus the main character is a marine biologist that works with WHALES!!! And all profits of this series goes to the WHALES!! This is just an added bonus especially because I am doing an animal blog, so it's almost necessary to promote it. But back to the book, it was a pretty decent book for what it was.

Happy reading!

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